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Corporate Governance Process Video

Many software asset managers feel they lack the clear commitment of senior management who assume that the deployment of a SAM suite is all that is required to build a best-in-class SAM function. When this is the case, a switch to a top down approach, focusing on implementing good governance, can really help make a difference. The Corporate Governance process is key to these efforts by defining a SAM vision and strategy that is aligned to the business and IT strategies, along with a clear definition of the scope of SAM and ITAM and a high-level roadmap that identifies the timeline and key milestones in the journey to achieving the vision.

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Corporate Governance Process Video

The primary goal of this process is to provide the “north star” of good asset management towards which the entire organisation is heading. It also answers the question of “why” we are bothering to do SAM at all and lays out the requirements of our SAM system for all to see in our SAM policy.  

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